Course curriculum
Articles - For training only
- Brandt (2012) Elastic resisitence better for abduction strength
- Bushell(2015)- Foam Rolling for Hip Ext in Lunge Position
- Fearon Scarvell et al 2012 GTPS, defining the syndrome
- For optimising motor control of lumbo pelvis course Br J Sports Med-2014-Chuter-bjsports-2013-093262
- Frost(2015)- Load and Speed on Movt Behaviour
- Gabbett et al 2016_If overuse injury is a training load error should undertraining be viewed the same way
- HIp arthroscopy for inta-articular pathology- a systematic review pro surgery Joanne Kemp 2013
- Kr 2016 - Intermuscular force transmission along myofascial chains Looking at the fascia structure and future studies
- Lewis (2007) Anterior hip muscle stability
- McGill(2010)- Core Training- Evidence for Better Performance
- Moreside & Mc Gill(2013) - Functional Hip ROM
- Protocol of research in the future lookling at FAI and modifying factors for future OA
- Risk factors for groin hip injuries 2013 bjsp
- Wilke et al 2016 What is the evidence based about myofascial chains systematic review
Overview - Pre Course Info
- Overview Hip Differential Diagnosis and Prescriptive Exercise
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